Frequently Asked Questions
Why use BIS Marketplace over any other platform?
BEAUTY IN SOUND (BIS) has the largest reach of people over any other organ platform in the world. We have presence on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Threads, and products will be promoted across all of these platforms. The BIS brand has been carefully built up into a trusted brand for excellence, and so people browsing the BIS Marketplace will be confident that they are viewing quality products. As a result of this trust, BIS will be able to get the best price for the seller as well as a reassurance of quality for the buyer.
How do I know if you are interested in my product?
Our passion and experience encompass organs and equipment of all types and ages. If you have an interesting organ with realistic price expectations, then we are likely to want to help!
I'm not based in the UK. Can I still list my product?
Yes - products can be listed from anywhere in the world. It is up to you to liaise with the Buyer to arrange delivery or collection costs.
Will you sell everything that you are offered?
Not every offering will be listed, but every offering will be given equal consideration.
What is the process for adding an advert to the BIS Marketplace?
Complete the BIS Marketplace Form with as much information as you can. Richard will assess the product in the form and will get in touch with the seller as soon as possible. Richard will then liaise with the seller to create an attractive advert for the website which is approved by the seller prior to the advert being published. You'll also need to agree to the Terms and Conditions and purchase an appropriate listing fee as well.
How do I choose a price for my product?
Richard will take into account all the information that has been provided in the BIS Marketplace Form, and with subsequent conversations with the seller a mutually agreeable price is set. If the product is struggling to sell then a reassessment of the price will be taken and adjusted accordingly.
Is there a fee for selling my product on the BIS Marketplace?
Yes there is a fee for listing and a commission on the final sale price. Upon a successful sale, the listing price is deducted from the commission therefore reimbursing the seller with the listing fee. Prices are outlined below:
Listing fee:
- Products £1 - £999: £25 (is refundable upon sale)
- Products over £1,000: £100 (is not refundable upon sale)
Commission on the final sale price of all items: 15%
Do product listings expire?
No, any product listed on the BIS Marketplace will remain online until it is sold.
What happens if my product doesn't sell?
BIS will advertise your product as best as we can. If your product is a high value item, Richard may make a visit to the location of the product to record a featured video about it. In the event of a product not selling from the BIS Marketplace no renumeration can be offered.
Can I advertise my product elsewhere?
No. As per the Terms and Conditions, once you've listed your product on the BIS Marketplace you shall be committed to have the product listed with BIS exclusively for the duration 6 months. If a product is found to be listed elsewhere, it may be removed from the BIS Marketplace and the listing fee will not be reimbursed.
Are there any fees to be paid when buying a product?
No. The listed price is all you will pay.
Can I contact the seller directly?
You are able to leave a question on the product's listing page, and the seller will add a reply to that question.
Can I inspect the product prior to purchasing the product?
You'll need to liaise directly with the seller in this instance. BIS will set up a channel of communication between the buyer and seller.
When happens after I purchase the product?
Once you've bought the product, BIS will put you directly in touch with the seller to arrange delivery of the product.
What happens if the product has some defects that were not mentioned in the listing?
BEAUTY IN SOUND (BIS) hosts product listings, but the seller is responsible for confirming the accuracy of the listing. As a buyer, it is your responsibility to satisfy yourself of the details and condition of the product before purchasing. Once a sale is completed the buyer and seller will continue the completion of purchase without the intervention of BIS, expect for extreme circumstances. BIS cannot provide any legal advice or reimburcement for any products.
Does the listing price include delivery?
No, it is up to the buyer and seller to agree all arrangements for delivery.